Jessica Grayson/Jessica Reeves
Field of study: Physics
Disappearance Date: October 18, 2019 (Emma's Journal)
Arrival Date: Fall 1922
Association with The Institute: Undergraduate Researcher
Institute Identification Number: JG68495
Institute Codename: The Hermit
First Cadre Point of Connection, post disappearance: Oct 30, 1922 (Mission 1)
At the beginning, Jessica's disappearance was the most mysterious to us, but as time goes on and the continued research on behalf of Emma, we have learned more and more about her disappearance and her life post.
Before Jessica Grayson's disappearance, she was roommates with one of our other stray's, Emma Beldon. She majored in Physics and through the means of her friend, received a research internship with The Hourglass. Not too long after starting, she mysteriously disappeared. Her friend, Emma, began her journey to discover what happened to her friend. (Emma's Journal)
The information informants discovered about Jess from The observatory is as follows:
Jessica came to NC State to study in the Physics department.
During her junior year, Jessica received a position at The Institute as an Undergraduate Researcher.
Several projects at The Hourglass including Project 3240, 1316, and Device 7.
She was well liked and an excellent student.
The following details of Jess's life come from reports by Cadre members as results of Mission 1 and use of The Looking Glass:
Ms. Grayson arrived some time in the fall of 1922.
Jess made friends with students named Teddy and Daisy
10-30-22 Jess joins Teddy and Daisy for a meeting with Professor Zohar, a psychic medium
The Following details on Jess' life come from research done by Emma Beldon after her disappearance. (recovered by Cadre members during Mission 2)
The first documented report of Jessica Grayson comes from an "Infirmary intake form" from October 13, 1922.
1923- enrolled at NC State College
Spring 1924- graduated with degree in Physics
Fall 1929- enrolled in physics graduate program
Spring 1931- Jess Marries Jack Reeves, becoming Jessica Reeves
Spring 1932- receives PHD
Jess and Jack get involved in WWII war efforts
Jack dies (unknown cause or date given)
Information about Jess' life between the death of Jack (some time during World War II) her untimely death on November 6th, 1958, due to a house fire. (her obituary is below and also found in Mission 2)
Dr. Jessica Elizabeth Reeves
Jessica Elizabeth Greyson was born on May 12, 1902 to John and Margaret Greyson in Madison County, Illinois and passed away on July 26th, 1968 due to a tragic fire at her home in Cary, North Carolina which she had resided in since 1938.
Dr. Reeves moved to the Raleigh area in 1922. She became one of the first female students to get a degree from North Carolina State University; she received a B.S. in Physics at the age of 26. She was united in marriage to Sgt. Jack Reeves Apr. 14, 1934. He was awarded a Bronze Star in WW2 and died in the line of duty in 1951 in the Battle of Bloody Ridge. They had no children. In 1948, Dr. Reeves became a researcher at NCSU, becoming an integral figure in the Physics department and furthering much of the university’s knowledge of foreign substances. She led the university’s push to observe negative energy. In 1957, she received her PhD in Physics from NCSU. Dr. Reeves continued her work at NCSU until her death.
A memorial service will be held August 2nd at the First United Methodist Church in Cary.